Six Factors That Can Affect the Cost of a Cleaning Service

home cleaning service

If you are looking for a cleaning service, it is crucial to understand the factors that can affect the cost of a cleaning service. For instance, if you have pets in your home and want deep carpet cleaning.

This will be more expensive than just having regular spot treatments and surface cleanings. The same applies to any stains on furniture or maintenance flooring deck and what size home you live in.

To get an accurate cost of a cleaning service from a professional cleaner. Make sure to give them all of these details so they can provide a reasonable estimate!

Below are six factors that can affect the cost of a cleaning service final bill:

Size of Your House (square footage)

cost of a cleaning service

You can’t clean a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house the same way you would clean a one-bedroom apartment. A professional cleaner will need to charge more for larger homes because of the increased time and supplies needed.

When finding the cost of the cleaning service from your cleaning provider, larger homes or commercial units will generally be priced on their square footage.

Square footage is a unit of measurement indicating the area in square feet. Therefore it’s important to know your home’s measurements before asking for a quote. To do so, simply multiply a room’s width by its length, and do this for every room. 

Your Home’s Condition

cost of a cleaning service home inside

The condition of your home will also affect the cost. If you want a deep clean, which removes stains and dirt from hard-to-reach places like corners or underneath furniture. Then you need to be prepared for an increased bill because it’s more work!

If there are any pet hair issues, ceiling fans that have not been dusted in years. Or cobwebs covering staircases, these all require extra time. This is why professional cleaners generally charge more for dirty homes than they do for average ones.

When selling a home or vacating a rental you will generally need to complete an exit clean. Gerry Bosco, a mortgage broker from Adelaide Broker says that often new home buyers will also organize a cleaner to do an extensive clean throughout before they move in to ensure the property is in top condition. 

These factors should help give you some idea about what can increase the price of your final bill if looking into hiring a cleaner. A great way to get accurate quotes with no surprises is by asking multiple professionals before making your decision.

Equipment Needed for the Job

laminating floor

Different types of materials, like laminate flooring, require other cleaning products and equipment. This will affect the pricing because it takes more time, i.e. laminate flooring requires laminate labeled cleaning products, which have to be purchased by the cleaner.

Alternatively, if there were an accident on a stone countertop or someone spilled coffee onto your white cotton sofa. Both cases would need specific solutions that may not come with standard packages. If you are unsure about what surface uses to cover then ask before requesting any quotes!

Standard vs Eco-Friendly Cleaners

Eco-friendly cleaning

If you don’t want any of your cleaning products to be harmful or toxic. Then a cleaner who uses eco-friendly cleaners will cost more than one that doesn’t. Standard cleaning products generally contain harsh chemicals like ammonia, chlorine bleach, or hydrochloric acid, which irritate sensitive skin. 

On the other hand, eco-friendly cleaners are made with natural ingredients that contain no harsh chemicals. And create a healthier environment for both you and your loved ones.

On average, eco-friendly products are more expensive than ordinary cleaning products. And as a result, you’ll have to pay a higher price for this choice.

It’s important to note that while eco-friendly options are healthier. It doesn’t mean normal cleaning products are any less effective. Hydrogen peroxide products, for example, are a fantastic option for scrubbing stains off hard surfaces, like toilets and sinks. 

Type of Service Required – Deep Clean vs Regular Clean

The type of service you require will affect your final price. A deep clean includes more time and care, which will be reflected in the final bill, whilst a regular clean is just surface cleaning, dusting, and vacuuming.

If you haven’t made it a priority to declutter your home cleanliness regularly, it’s best to opt for an initial deep-clean rather than trying to save money on a one-off regular clean. This way, you can get everything done at once.

A professional cleaner should always provide quotes on their website based on what they think is required for your specific situation, i.e. a one-off deep clean vs a quick regular clean for home maintenance. If not, give these details when requesting a quote, and they will provide it for you.

How Thoroughly You Research

Taking the time to research the right cleaner to hire, can save you time and money in the long run. When looking online, make sure to check review sites like Yelp and Google My Business (GMB) to see what other happy customers have to say.

It’s also worth checking the cleaner’s website and social media pages for reviews from clients who have had a previous experience with them. It is essential that you read reviews thoroughly, helping you determine what to expect and whether you can work with the cleaner.

Remember, even if you pay a little extra for quality service, it is worth the investment to have peace of mind when hiring a cleaner. Additionally, experienced cleaners will probably give you tidbits of information on how to better maintain your home i.e. applying a mattress protector to help protect your luxury bed from dust and moisture.

While going for the cheapest cleaning option may be appealing, your hard-earned money could be going down the drain if their results are unsatisfactory.